The Stages

Here are the seven stages:

1) Oral warning - If you are being bold, your teacher will tell you to stop.

2) Written Warning - You will be handed a card telling you to stop being bold.

3) Offside - You will be moved to another desk until the end of the current lesson.

4) Outside - You will leave the classroom & be moved to another class.

5) Office - You will be brought down to the Office to be spoken to by the Principal.

6) Parents/Guardians visit - Your Parents/ Guardians will be called in to the Principal.

7)Suspension - You will be suspended. In the past boys were delighted to get off school for a few days. Not any More. You will be given a big stack of work to do and can come back when you've finished it.

Everybody had better not be on stage 7 or else!! - Fanno

Do you think the behavior system is a good idea?